Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson interviewed fellow former Planned Parenthood director Annette Lancaster for her series on PureFlix called “Beautiful Lives.”...
By now most pro-lifers have heard former Planned Parenthood center director Abby Johnson’s conversion story of seeing a preborn baby aborted on...
Incident reports have revealed that in just nine days, two women suffered life-threatening, horrific injuries during late-term abortions at abortionist LeRoy Carhart’s...
A new video released this week by Pro-Life San Francisco exposes the deep-rooted connections between the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)...
In the past, many late-term abortions were committed by injecting a caustic saline solution into a woman’s uterus. This solution burned the...
While there is still more to learn about how vulnerable pregnant women are to the coronavirus (COVID-19), there appears to be good...
Just days after complaining about “incompetent doctors” on Twitter, a Black and Puerto Rican first-time mom died during childbirth at Montefiore Medical...
Virtually every single country in the world has confirmed cases of the coronavirus during this global pandemic, with just a few exceptions....
Update 4/23/2020: 40 Days for Life has announced the new total of preborn babies saved from abortion during the Spring 2020 campaign,...
Recently, major media outlets have claimed that potential treatments for COVID-19 are being held up by the Trump Administration’s 2019 ban on...
Eugenics — a philosophy based on the desire to “better” society by selectively breeding and weeding out those deemed to be less...
People with disabilities continue to face astounding levels of discrimination in the United Kingdom, but nowhere is it worse than in the...
(Right to Life UK) New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has joined 80 other politicians in voting against an attempt to require health...
The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act both died today on the Senate floor. The two...