Last year, Live Action News featured the story of Kevin and Nicole Cook. Horrified by the undercover videos released by the Center...
In June of 2015, the European Centre for Law and Justice released a report entitled “Late Term Abortion & Neonatal Infanticide in...
If it’s a day ending in Y, it means that somewhere, pro-abortion propagandists are slandering pro-lifers. Over at LifeNews, Kristan Hawkins calls...
The Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funding for abortion, and it was strongly supported by Black civil rights activists in the 1970s when it...
It is no surprise that many of the arguments offered in defense of abortion are bad. Not only bad because they are...
In Canada, a pregnant woman was hit by a car this month. Despite efforts to save her, Marie-Pier Gagné passed away. However,...
The book Short of a Miracle by Crystal Pitrois tells the true story of Tina Torry and her daughter Heidi, who survived an abortion while...
Being pro-life can sometimes be discouraging. Knowing that thousands of babies die every day is a heavy burden to carry. Yet pro-lifers...
When Holly Hodgson was 12 weeks pregnant, she learned that her preborn baby had gastroschisis. His intestines, along with other organs, were...
The Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board authored a firm editorial last week criticizing the University of New Mexico Health Science Center for its...
Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish hard news from editorializing in abortion coverage. Sometimes, such as with the Austin Chronicle, that’s because there’s...
When discussing children in the womb, abortion advocates have a simple goal: dehumanize them. But it gets tougher to do as time...
(Savethe1) – Why should I have to prove my worth and my right to life? When I first learned at the age...
Pro-Choice author Miriam Claire wrote a book called The Abortion Dilemma: Personal Views on a Public Issue. In her research, she interviewed a disabled...