Without accurate facts and superior reasoning to vindicate their position, the pro-abortion media often finds itself having to scrape the bottom of...
If it wasn’t already clear that Donald Trump doesn’t really understand how pro-lifers think, he’s doing a bang-up job of reinforcing the...
Every time pro-abortion activists want to win people over to their side, they bring up ‘back-alley’ abortions. Women need abortion to be...
In a display of providing mothers with real options, Mississippi State University (MSU) senior Anja Scheib, as part of the Pregnant on...
The CEO of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, Mary Kogut, might be held in contempt and put...
In a stunning report, Operation Rescue details how the investigation surrounding the death of Lakisha Wilson, who suffered cardiac arrest and died...
The woman who makes over half a million dollars a year profiting from killing preborn babies has charmed a Seattle newspaper, which, in...
A 2013 Planned Parenthood letter claims that taking the abortion pill, which kills a preborn child in the womb, is like taking...
Pro-choicers have done some really weird and disgusting things to promote their cause of unrestricted abortion. There was the witch who made...
Cecile Richards wants to “humanize” abortion, and a new comic strip beginning to make the rounds online is only too happy to...
Pro-abortion activists aren’t taking too kindly to Governor Mike Pence signing Indiana’s new law which bans abortions for genetic abnormalities, race, or sex. It...
No parent wants to hear that their child has been diagnosed with a fetal abnormality. But some families compound the tragedy, aborting their...
Sarah Conque was on a two-year missionary trip to Haiti in 2014 and was volunteering at Danita’s Children Medical Center when a...
Following the release of the Center for Medical Progress’s bombshell videos exposing that Planned Parenthood was breaking numerous laws as part of...