Jodia Peters of Colorado had an abortion when she was sixteen. Seven years later, she testified in favor of Amendment 25, a...
On Friday, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson took an unexpected stance on the case of Terri Schiavo, a Florida woman taken...
Throughout the years, many abortion industry workers have left their jobs and told their stories. Their testimonies can be found online, in books, in...
In 2013, the state of Maryland shut down three of Steven Chase Brigham’s abortion facilities due to dangerous abortion practices, including the death...
Cecile Richards was interviewed by Katie Couric earlier this week. While Couric did lob a few softball questions at Richards, for the...
Coral Ridge Ministries released a series of pro-life videos called “The Truth about Abortion.” The videos, which were uploaded on January 15, 2009,...
The writings of Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), a German biologist famous for popularizing Darwinian theories of evolution, have long been identified by historians...
It really, really bothers abortion supporters that the rest of the world won’t drink the Kool-Aid they’re peddling. At Salon, Danielle Campoamor complains that...
While lilting, otherworldly music strums in the background, the voice of Kermit Gosnell comes through the phone. His cousins contemplate how a...
Taxpayers are helping to buy brains from babies killed by abortion. StemExpress, the infamous fetal parts procurement company exposed in the Planned...
Today, the Republican Study Committee of Colorado (comprised of a number of state senators and representatives) held an informational hearing on Planned...
Today, the Supreme Court agreed to merge and hear all seven cases before the bench that are related to the Affordable Care Act...
If you have friends open to the pro-life movement but still sitting on the fence, this may help. Ask them to, just...
In today’s society, if you’re female, you’re expected to be in favor of abortion. You’re practically an outcast if you confess your...