A new bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would prevent the FDA from loosening important safety restrictions (known as REMS)...
When thousands of bodies of aborted babies were discovered in former abortionist Ulrich Klopfer’s home, it sent shockwaves across the country. Klopfer,...
In 1982, approximately 17,000 babies were found in a repossessed storage container in Los Angeles. The babies, many of whom were over...
A girl born with a rare “mirror heart” continues to astonish doctors. According to the Liverpool Echo, Riziah Moazzeny’s family was told...
During a Congressional hearing this week which exposed that babies who survive abortions have been left to die, former nurse Jill Stanek testified...
Shane and Jennifer Lee know the fear, grief, and hope that come with receiving a diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) for...
A report this week from Fox News reiterates previously published data by Live Action News which showed that dozens of babies have survived...
Dr. LeRoy Carhart, who commits late-term abortions, used no euphemisms in an interview with British reporter Hilary Andersson for the BBC on...
Many Americans refuse to believe it, but babies can and do survive abortions. It is shocking just how often a baby is...
Meghan McCain, conservative co-host of The View and daughter of the late Senator John McCain, expressed her grief over a recent miscarriage...
Just last week, Biking for Babies completed its 10th annual crosscountry ride to raise both funds and awareness for pregnancy resource centers....
Abortion supporters often promote the wholly unscientific claim that preborn babies are nothing more than “tissue” or “cells” throughout the majority of...
And Then There Were None, is a pro-life ministry which helps abortion workers leave their jobs. The group frequently hosts webcasts in...
Today, the Trump administration announced its intent to end taxpayer-funded government contracts with the University of California-San Francisco, which uses the bodies...