Former Planned Parenthood clinic worker Judith Fetrow told her story at a conference sponsored by the Pro-Life Action League. Excerpts from her...
(Celebrate Life Magazine) At 17, I was fulfilling my dream of working toward my degree, experiencing college life with my roommate, and...
In 1976, Dr. Anthony Levatino, an OB/GYN, graduated from medical school and was, without a doubt, pro-abortion. He strongly supported abortion “rights”...
Rachel Mullen is fighting hard for the right to life for children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome. She knows firsthand how preborn...
On September 22, Chloe Dunstan was due to give birth to triplets: two boys and a girl. But early in July, midway...
The investigative videos produced by the Center For Medical Progress have shocked viewers nationwide. In their own element, Planned Parenthood and fetal...
On Monday, September 21, hundreds of women from across the United States called their local Planned Parenthood locations in an attempt to...
The President of the United States says if Republicans don’t send him a budget he can sign, “they’ll shut down the government...
Senate Democrats blocked a vote today on a pro-life Senate bill that would ban late-term abortions. The bill promised to save as...
It’s clear that Ashley M. Gorman is a Christian. But from a recent post, it’s a little more confusing where she stands...
Mandating that living, breathing, born-alive infants be regarded as human beings should not be very controversial, but children who survive abortions are often killed...
In a series of undercover videos uploaded by the Center for Medical Progress, it has become evident that aborted baby body parts...
Jenn Perry has been the exception. Gang raped by her boyfriend and his drunk friends after their high school graduation, she soon...
Later this month, a new movie about the life of notorious late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell begins filming. According to the film’s Indiegogo...