UPDATE: The debate is going on right now and is being streamed live on C-SPAN. You can watch it here. Today the...
Here’s the heart. My fingers will smoosh it if I try to pick it up. The heart is right there… A lot...
This is the final part of a series; you can read Part 1 here , Part 2 here, Part 3 here and...
In the latest investigative video released by the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Savita Ginde, Vice President and Medical Director of Planned...
“You are a coward and a killer!” Those are the words of animal lovers, outraged over the shocking slaughter of the beloved 13-year-old Cecil,...
Pro-abortion celebrity and alleged comedian Sarah Silverman may know she wants to #StandWithPP despite their nightmarish organ-harvesting side business, but if the...
A striking feature in all three undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress is the callous way in which abortion...
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains — and Planned Parenthood in general — is finally being exposed for what it really is....
It started as a hobby. Robyn Rosenberger was working a full-time job in corporate America when she made her first super hero...
Jill Stanek is a well-known pro-life blogger and activist who first became active in the pro-life movement when she exposed the practice...
I am sitting at my desk, taking a moment of reflection over the past week, what I have witnessed, listened to and...
A lot of congressional Republicans, most GOP presidential candidates, several governors, and even some pro-choice politicians and commentators are excoriating Planned Parenthood...
Louisiana Gov. and presidential candidate Bobby Jindal earned some additional goodwill from pro-lifers by immediately ordering an in-depth investigation into whether his...
Americans deserve to know whether an organization that receives millions of their tax dollars every year is breaking federal laws against selling...