The Heidi Group is an organization that counsels post-abortive women and men while also acting as a crisis pregnancy center that works...
Melody Durrett is an eighteen-year-old sophomore at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon. While she grew up in the pro-life movement with...
On Labor Day, PBS plans to air “After Tiller,” a documentary that showcases the work of four late-term abortionists. Except there’s one...
At an art studio in rural Pennsylvania, Patrick Cleary examines a handful of ordinary white shoelaces before he begins a new work.... is where women go when they are being selfish, and where their selfishness is applauded. You know we’re in for a...
[youtube] In a discussion regarding a bill in Louisiana’s health and welfare committee, Representative Katrina Jackson expressed her distaste for the large...
Catherine Anthony Adair worked at a Planned Parenthood clinic that performed abortions. In an interview I did with her, she spoke about...
Former Planned Parenthood worker Judith Fetrow spoke at a conference sponsored by The Pro-Life Action League which was recorded in a series...
Some abortionists have publicly admitted to feeling “strange” or schizophrenic about the work they do. Dr. Benjamin Kalish, for example, said, “Even...
As Father’s Day approaches, pro-lifers should be aware that there are men out there who are suffering because their partners or former...
On June 3, Live Action published an article about Deborah Henry, a former abortion clinic worker who became pro-life and then gave...
There has been some confusion recently regarding Kentucky U.S. Senate hopeful Alison Lundergan Grimes and her views on late-term abortion. Lundergan Grimes...
In a story that could cause a commotion in the pro-choice community, on the Monday following Mother’s Day, a 39-year-old North Carolina...
Scott Klusendorf always thought of himself as pro-life. While serving as an associate minister of a large church in Los Angeles, he...