Images shape dialogue, and dialogue births change. Photographs that capture the Great Depression, the Holocaust, and the Civil Rights Movement are not...
When Kari Williams and her family went in for Kari’s 20-week ultrasound on June 13, 2014, they were anxious to find out...
The pro-life movement experienced a milestone year, with huge national victories across the board. From a record number of pro-life legislators elected...
For nearly five decades, John Wayne played western heroes on the silver screen. In reality, the Duke probably wouldn’t have lasted fifty...
Tommy Valentine grew up with a great model for pro-life advocacy: his mom. Today her work inspires him to be involved, fighting...
Earlier, I talked about having watched the 2008 blockbuster Tropic Thunder. Although I was unimpressed with the way it treated people with...
Poor pro-aborts. In Tuesday’s midterm elections, voters gave pro-life candidates a majority of U.S. Senate seats, House offices, and governor’s mansions, not to...
There really is no such thing as having “only” one or two children, because having babies is not a numbers game. Rather,...
This election season has seen no shortage of ostensibly pro-life politicians who thought shameless pandering might get their pro-abortion tormentors off their backs....
In a horrific true story that illustrates how abortion hurts women, too, a French mother had both of her feet, her right forearm,...
Dr. Magda Denes was a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst who died in 1996. 20 years before her death, she wrote a book...
In an effort to erase “abortion stigma,” Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards penned an introspective article detailing her personal abortion for Elle...
The Council of Europe is an international human rights body comprised of 47 nations. In order to join, a country must sign...
Spend any time talking to defenders of abortion, and pretty soon you’ll notice that more than a few words seem to suddenly...