After many years of immersion in the pro-life world, I believe myself to be rather unshockable. I’ve heard stories that would make...
Tiny Adelaide Caines lived only one hour after birth, but her parents are hoping their precious daughter’s life and death will change...
In a bizarre article on Salon this week, Amanda Marcotte pins Lila Rose as one of seven women whom she believes are...
Sidewalk counselors around the country celebrated the 9-0 Supreme Court ruling striking down an anti-sidewalk counseling buffer zone law enacted in Massachusetts...
The Heidi Group is an organization that counsels post-abortive women and men while also acting as a crisis pregnancy center that works...
Melody Durrett is an eighteen-year-old sophomore at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon. While she grew up in the pro-life movement with...
On Labor Day, PBS plans to air “After Tiller,” a documentary that showcases the work of four late-term abortionists. Except there’s one...
At an art studio in rural Pennsylvania, Patrick Cleary examines a handful of ordinary white shoelaces before he begins a new work.... is where women go when they are being selfish, and where their selfishness is applauded. You know we’re in for a...
[youtube] In a discussion regarding a bill in Louisiana’s health and welfare committee, Representative Katrina Jackson expressed her distaste for the large...
Catherine Anthony Adair worked at a Planned Parenthood clinic that performed abortions. In an interview I did with her, she spoke about...
Former Planned Parenthood worker Judith Fetrow spoke at a conference sponsored by The Pro-Life Action League which was recorded in a series...
Some abortionists have publicly admitted to feeling “strange” or schizophrenic about the work they do. Dr. Benjamin Kalish, for example, said, “Even...
As Father’s Day approaches, pro-lifers should be aware that there are men out there who are suffering because their partners or former...