In an article on Care2 entitled “Pregnant Teens are Just Political Pawns to Anti-Abortion Activists,” a pro-choice author blasts pro-lifers for filing...
Do we have any Tom Lehrer fans in the audience? I couldn’t help but recall one of the satirists’ songs, “The Old...
When Attorney Jill McElya and her husband Dr. Brad McElya were living in India in 2009, they founded Invisible Girl Project, an...
“I’m pregnant, and I want an abortion.” How should one react when a friend says those words? My colleagues and I are...
Infants, children and adults with Down syndrome often suffer the effects of social and ethical stigmas. From the moment of a prenatal...
It isn’t easy to hear the words day in and day out, or to see over and over the tiny bodies ripped...
I recently stumbled across the testimony of Dr. Grant Clark. Dr. Clark performed abortions many years ago in California. In an interview...
There is a lot that I do not understand about people and why some people do what they do, but the most...
I believe being pro-life will give unborn children a chance to grow and mature and fulfill their dreams to their fullest. They...
Update 1/27/2021: Adam passed away on June 12, 2016, after contracting Adenovirus. “Our little bird met his Maker and Sustainer…the Shepherd of...
“Abortion” might seem an odd search term for Pinterest. But since this explosive, relatively new social media site is increasingly becoming an...
In Part 1 of this article titled, “Why I’m Pro-Life: Out of indifference into activism” I share my story of growing up...
Watching the chatter on lefty and pro-abortion blogs this week, you’d think Christmas came early this year. The whack-a-kid crowd is positively...
Whether you’ve stood on a sidewalk outside of abortion clinics, worked on a pro-life campaign, counseled at a pregnancy resource center, or...