Where are all the abortion mills in Maryland? No one knows the answer to that question with any certainty. State officials have...
In a previous article, I explained why Catholic hospitals should never fail to defend life which served as a basic guide suitable for addressing any...
“I think that Planned Parenthood, in the past, has done good work.” –President Barack Obama “Due to the potent combination of my...
Dr. Kermit Gosnell is a Philidelphia-based abortion provider who stands accused of murdering seven newborn babies and one adult in his septic,...
A tiny baby came into the world last November. The “experts” didn’t expect her to survive. Weighing only 1.01 pounds, Frieda was...
During my few short years of Internet-based pro-life advocacy, I have come across some pretty wild allegations, such as, “If abortion is...
THERE SHOULD BE NO DEBATE THAT PP MUST BE DEFUNDED – NOW MIKE WALLACE: Do you believe in sin — When I say believe...
Wrongful Sentence, or the Media playing us? The LA times released an article on September 9th titled “7 Mexican women freed in...
I can’t imagine a more ironically titled blog post, “Anti-Choicers’ Callous Disregard for Children.” Apparently, pro-choice advocates are upset that some pro-lifers...
On January 26th, 2010, the Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin’s largest newspaper) ran a letter to the editor that I submitted. The letter can...
Art & Commentary by Jenna Whidby Today is the 37 Anniversary of Roe V Wade, the supreme court decision that made abortion...