Kandace Bowers, the mother with cystic fibrosis, who risked her life and defied doctors by refusing to terminate her triplets, has died....
Heaven is for Real is a new movie based on a book by pastor and father Todd Burpo. Burpo wrote the book...
In 2009, there was a crisis in New Zealand when a number of nurses refused to assist in second-trimester abortions. In the...
M. Goldstein worked in a hospital that performed abortions. After 30 years, she’s come forward with her story. According to Goldstein: My...
On April 2, a Live Action article quoted former abortionist Dr. David Brewer explaining how his conscience became hardened as he began...
Jewels Green is a former clinic worker who became pro-life. On her website, which can be found here, she describes herself as...
BBC News reports: A baby hatch in southern China has been forced to suspend work after hundreds of infants were abandoned, overwhelming...
There this little baby boy was laying on the tray. I took the baby and I took him to the clean-up room,...
Last February, the prestigious neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson captured millions of Americans’ attention with a stirring National Prayer Breakfast speech. Once known...
On Monday, Jill Stanek highlighted a video by Melissa Bové, who blogs under the handle Chemist Blogger. Ms. Bové finds it hard...
One of the main arguments given for legalizing abortion in Ireland is that troubled women would become suicidal if they were forced...
Macabre excuses.
Biking for Babies has two missions this July. One is to bike from New Orleans to Chicago in eight days. The other...