When the holidays roll around each year, Americans gather together in a spirit of thankfulness and giving. This year, a Long Island...
The media is continuing its efforts to change the narrative surrounding abortion after viability, trying to make it appear as if these...
UPDATE, 12/18/24: In an email to Live Action News, Allison Van Matre, Senior Director of Global Communications for Sam’s Club, provided the...
Black and Hispanic women saw a decrease in the number of abortions in 2022, according to recently published abortion data released by the...
Australians were outraged to learn that a woman who murdered her roommate over a $50 theft — with the roommate’s four-year-old child...
Various media outlets have followed the lead of ProPublica in sensationalizing and weaponizing the idea of “preventable” pregnancy-related deaths, focusing on individual...
As the media continues to exploit tragic maternal deaths by blaming them on pro-life laws, it’s trying a new tactic: twisting words...
According to Haaretz, an Israeli court on Sunday ordered that, following a lengthy legal battle over an IVF mixup, a woman who...
A California couple has filed a lawsuit against a Connecticut company that they say “destroyed” their embryos by using a defective culture...
The remains of a baby were discovered in a garbage truck in the North Texas neighborhood of Red Oak last week, launching...
A tragic story of the death of 35-year-old Porsha Ngumezi in Texas is being exploited to claim that pro-life laws protecting preborn...
An Idaho doctor testified in court this week against that state’s pro-life law, claiming doctors are too “scared and confused” to treat...
In an exclusive article, The New York Post has revealed “stomach-churning emails” that show Planned Parenthood negotiating its terms regarding its medical...
After several misleading ProPublica articles accused Texas of putting pregnant women’s lives at risk, legislators are responding. The deaths of Josseli Barnica...