Another story of a wealthy celebrity using surrogates to have children is raising questions about a “Handmaid’s Tale” epidemic — not due...
In an article for The Washington Post, Caroline Kitchener and Dan Diamond expose the real reason women have been denied valid medical...
When writer Ericka Andersen first began the IVF process, she believed it was consistent with her pro-life principles. “I’d been a vocal,...
A nationwide fertility clinic chain owned by Kindbody and backed by celebrity investors including Gwyneth Paltrow, Chelsea Clinton, and Gabrielle Union, is...
Dear Britney, When I saw the headlines that read, “Britney Spears Reveals She Had an Abortion Because Justin Timberlake ‘Didn’t Want to...
Almost one month ago, on September 15, Jonathan Darnel was convicted of conspiracy against rights and FACE Act violations stemming from an...
Diana Greene Foster, the pro-abortion researcher behind the much-touted (yet heavily debunked) Turnaway Study, has been chosen for a 2023 MacArthur Fellowship,...
(NRL News Today) It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at the offices of The Daily Mail newspaper in Great Britain....
A young Israeli couple is reported to have saved the lives of their 10-month-old twin boys by hiding them in a secure...
In the Human Capital Project, pro-life investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) went undercover for...
A woman who decided she wanted children pursued in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to start her family alone, intentionally creating a child with sperm...
(Sarah Terzo – Substack) In a 2021 book by Janet Morana, a rape victim describes the trauma she endured after her partial-birth...
In 2022, she alleged that a child had to die so she could get her man. Now, actress Sophia Bush is claiming...
The mainstream pro-abortion media has been continuing its portrayal of abortionists as heroes and martyrs, and this has only increased since the...