A woman suffering a hemorrhage was rushed from a Planned Parenthood facility in Washington, D.C., to a nearby hospital, reports Operation Rescue....
A pro-lifer who hails from New Zealand, Andrew Moore has never been one to stay quiet about the injustice of abortion. Now...
The Hope Clinic for Women, an abortion business, has a new billboard on the Missouri-Illinois border advertising its “services.” The billboard reads,...
At the We the People summit on April 1, Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders of Vermont applauded Planned Parenthood for its...
UPDATE, 4/11/19, 4:39p EST: Governor Mike DeWine has signed the heartbeat bill into law. The Washington Times reports: Republican Gov. Mike DeWine...
The Texas Senate approved a bill Tuesday to protect abortion survivors from infanticide. Senate Bill 23, known as the Born Alive Infant...
UPDATE, 4/11, 2:49p EST: Christian News reports that GOP House Committee Chairman Jeff Leach has killed the bill “because it ‘subjects women who...
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who came under scrutiny in January for comments he made which led many people to believe he supports...
The pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recently issued a strongly worded statement in opposition to an initiative by Texas Republicans...
District Judge William Osteen has overturned North Carolina’s 20-week abortion ban, following 2016 lawsuits filed by the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and the...
It’s clear that even though Planned Parenthood’s leadership has changed, everything is still the same. It’s still the same lies, the same...
3/21/19, 4:57 p.m. EST: Governor Phil Bryant has signed Mississippi’s heartbeat bill into law. UPI.com reports Bryant’s comments on the law: “We think...
Violence against pro-life groups and individuals has been underreported by mainstream media outlets even though it occurs on a fairly regular basis...
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NY) is making sure everyone knows how much he favors abortion while simultaneously showing hypocritical support for certain pregnant...