The death of an abortion survivor changed the life of Texas physician Dr. Ron Bryce. During the 1980s when Bryce was doing...
Kermit Gosnell was a notorious late-term abortionist and America’s most prolific serial killer. Convicted in 2013 of the murders of three infants,...
According to 911 tapes obtained by the Pro-Life Action League, two women were transported by ambulance from a Chicago Planned Parenthood to...
Comparing a dead baby to meat stewing in a crockpot until it’s tender, late-term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart is clothed in garments of...
Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist featured in the upcoming movie, “Gosnell,” ran what became known as a “house of horrors” where women...
Holly O’Donnell, the former procurement technician for StemExpress who helped expose Planned Parenthood’s business of selling the bodies of aborted children, has...
Pro-abortion activist Jessica Valenti wrote about her two abortions in her book, Sex Object. Valenti describes finding a private abortion facility to do...
The movie spotlighting the crimes of abortionist and serial killer Kermit Gosnell is set to be released this fall, hitting theaters October...
UPDATE, 10/2: Bill sponsor Sen. Connie Levya has stated that despite Gov. Brown’s veto, she plans to reintroduce the legislation during the...
This month, the New England Journal of Medicine featured an opinion article proposing changes to Canadian law that would allow for euthanasia...
For years, the abortion industry has touted choice, saying women should be able to have children when they are financially secure and...
It took 50 years, but Planned Parenthood has finally named another physician as its president. And oddly, the website she created to...
Safe Haven laws save lives. Heartbreaking stories occasionally make headlines, of newborn infants abandoned and left to die — in bathrooms, in...
The Center for Medical Progress recently released a report on Advanced Bioscience Resources, the fetal organ procurement company referred for criminal investigation...