For years, the abortion industry has touted choice, saying women should be able to have children when they are financially secure and...
It took 50 years, but Planned Parenthood has finally named another physician as its president. And oddly, the website she created to...
Safe Haven laws save lives. Heartbreaking stories occasionally make headlines, of newborn infants abandoned and left to die — in bathrooms, in...
The Center for Medical Progress recently released a report on Advanced Bioscience Resources, the fetal organ procurement company referred for criminal investigation...
Last week, Netflix released a documentary that aims to explain how abortion became a politicized issue. The 90-minute film “Reversing Roe” has...
Abortion supporters have become unhinged in their efforts to protect the so-called “right” to kill innocent babies in the womb through abortion...
Yesterday, abortion giant Planned Parenthood had its new president, Leana Wen, appear on The View. Wen’s job was clear: defend tired, old...
Sarah Silverman — a comedian known for her outlandish and offensive statements — recently claimed that she knows more science than, well,...
Irish mom Grace Slattery is thrilled to have four beautiful children — but if doctors had their way, she would only have...
Sen. Kamala Harris, the former attorney general of California, has joined Sen. Dianne Feinstein in being fact checked by mainstream media. Both...
Abortion is thought of as a women’s issue, but it affects men, too, and not always in a positive way. In fact,...
Pro-choice advocates claim that abortion empowers women. But in many cases, women are pressured into abortions by their partners or ex-partners —...
For parents who are pro-life, vaccination can be a difficult decision to make. Some groups take the position that parents, and especially...
Dr. Roxana Chapman was an OB/GYN practicing in England right before abortion was legalized in that country. She had no personal experience with...