It’s not unusual to hear people talk about aborting their baby with Down syndrome because it is the “merciful” thing to do....
Pro-choice feminists find themselves in a quandary when they are faced with sex–selection abortions, especially when, as is usually the case, they...
Abortion is being touted as the greater good, deeply moral, and even lifesaving in a new book, which writer Sady Doyle hails...
An anonymous story on XoJane relates the account of a married college student who was “too poor for an abortion.” She writes...
It seems to be happening more and more frequently that in my research I uncover quotes from pro-choice leaders that are completely astonishing....
Looking back, Laura believes she’s always known that something was wrong in her family. She felt what she later described as “survivor’s...
Earlier this month, Senator Lindsey Graham introduced the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the U.S. Senate. The U.S. House has already...
Dear PBS, This is quite the bold move. As a third rate, tax subsidized broadcasting outfit with a viewership in the single...
Pro-aborts are officially running out of things to attack pro-lifers over. In a convoluted attempt to give the situation in Ferguson, Missouri...
The suicide of Robin Williams has shaken just about everyone, but for those of us who suffer with depression, bipolar disorder, or...
Kelsey Hazzard is the founder of Secular Pro-Life, a pro-life group for atheists, agnostics, and other “nones.” ” She was kind enough...
Catherine Anthony Adair worked at a Planned Parenthood clinic that performed abortions. In an interview I did with her, she spoke about...
Senate Democrats will consider legislation on July 15 that would undermine pro-life laws across the country, if passed. Titled the “Women’s Health...
When I was a freshman in college at Fordham University, I went a few Saturdays during the school year to be a...