It's not just insidious. It's boring.
"More dead kids"? Describes abortion to a T, doesn't it?
Call it what you may, but the content stays the same. I’m not buying it.
The classic "cui bono" for the pro-life movement, versus that of the abortion industry.
Callous cruelty for political points.
True fairness, and actual choice.
Doing it the hard way.
Abortion never saves a woman's life. We shouldn't make concessions for lies.
Shamelessly leaching taxpayer money for purposes taxpayers abhor.
A cold reminder that children are our greatest gift.
Straw-man-palooza from the latest and not-so-greatest pro-abortion hero to hit the internet.
Let's have someone with actual integrity, TIME.
The short answer is "no." The list of reasons why is long.
Whom are you going to believe - Planned Parenthood, or your lying eyes?