Contraception will not be banned. We know this. Democrats know it. Republicans know it. But that doesn’t mean it should be free,...
Many pro-lifers breathed a sigh of relief back in 2010 when President Obama agreed to sign an Executive Order, purportedly assuring that...
Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, Planned Parenthood is giving their supporters advice on how to deal with those pesky pro-life...
What is Stem Cell Research? [1] Stem cells are an unspecialized cell from which all of the specialized cells of the organs...
“The baby is incompatible with life. Here is the number if you choose to terminate.” Until this Summer, I had never heard...
American justice is blind indeed. And when it comes to babies, it is also painfully lacking in universal ethics and logic. Perhaps...
You’ve seen the bumper sticker. And at first, you agreed. “Every child a wanted child.” The words ring pro-life, until you hear...
As several states have acted to remove taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, the organization and their...
Why is abortion coming up more and more in the Australian national debate? In addition to the Australian data in the previous...
I’ve been struggling for days trying to figure out how to write about Ruth Padawer’s article in the New York Times “The...
I recently engaged someone in a dialogue on abortion that turned into the most bizarre abortion debate I’ve ever been a part...
In an article about opposition by pro-lifers to birth control that the Obama Administration is expected to force insurers to cover, Mother...
At RH Reality Check, Amanda Marcotte offers a perplexing and colorful story about pro-life activism that is bound to leave reality-conscious readers...
Friday afternoon brought the very disappointing news that a federal District Court judge in Kansas, Carlos Murguia, issued a temporary injunction on...