A woman in Ontario has started a petition to the Ontario Minister of Health, asking him to intervene in the assisted suicide...
A new article in The Atlantic argues that in the light of restrictions around the abortion pill, a misoprostol-only regimen should be...
Both before and since the fall of Roe v. Wade, the abortion industry and its political allies have consistently advocated for abortion...
Abortion exceptions such as reasons of rape, incest, or life of the mother, make up a very small percentage of overall abortions,...
(Campaign Life Coalition) A Canadian abortion activist organization, which has received over $12M in grants from the Trudeau Liberal government over the past...
A new abortion facility is set to open in Maryland, with a distinctive marketing tactic: it will be an “all-trimester” facility, killing...
Arkansas’s last abortion facility announced that it would close down “temporarily” on Thursday, September 1, following the overturning of Roe v. Wade...
The White House this year marked Women’s Equality Day by focusing on the topic of abortion, tying women’s equality to their ability...
A family night sponsored by two Colorado pro-life organizations for a minor league baseball team was canceled just hours before the game...
Trigger laws protecting preborn human beings from abortion went into effect on Thursday in Idaho, Tennessee, and Texas. Each law was passed...
Editor’s Note, 2/6/24: Live Action News has been informed that the Lozier study which is referred to in this article has been retracted by...
Though millions of pro-life women live in the United States, the pro-abortion lobby frames it as though the pro-life movement is made...
A proposed resolution drafted by Des Moines city councilman Josh Mandelbaum would prohibit police from investigating any matters related to abortion, according...
Pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) have helped countless women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, providing women and their babies with diapers, clothing, car seats, housing,...