UPDATE 2/7/19: Vermont House Bill 57 was approved in an 8-3 vote on Thursday by the State House Committee on Human Services....
The shocking move to “expand” abortion for any reason up to birth now being pushed in Virginia, New York, and Vermont did...
On Wednesday during a local radio show, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam shared his support for the controversial Repeal Act, which would have legalized...
On the heels of New York’s Reproductive Health Act, which allows for abortions at any time under reasons of the mother’s “health”...
Here in New York, legislators in Albany have been trying to pass Reproductive Health Act (RHA), since 2007. It has been a...
The United States is one of seven nations that allow for elective abortions past 20 weeks. Below are three common myths surrounding third trimester abortions...
Doctors took to social media to publish their reactions to news that the state of New York has just removed virtually all...
UPDATE, 1/25/19: Store owner Jon Speed says his bookstore, The Book Scout in Syracuse, has been flooded with orders from the pro-life...
Planned Parenthood’s president has announced the hiring of new senior staffers following news that high ranking employees resigned their positions with the abortion corporation...
Planned Parenthood appears to be struggling with an identity crisis of sorts, uncertain whether to remain an abortion vendor or become a...
The United States fertility rate has hit its lowest in three decades, according to a National Vital Statistics Report (NVSS) released Thursday...
Women in Arizona will now be asked to state the reason for their abortions, thanks to a new law that took effect...
The abortion industry pushes the idea that women need abortion for hard cases, that abortions are not being used as birth control...
On Twitter, Planned Parenthood’s new president Leana Wen took issue with a Buzzfeed headline that read, “Planned Parenthood’s new president wants to...