Human rights abuses in China continue, despite the ‘relaxing’ of the nation’s oppressive One-Child Policy. Chinese citizens are now permitted to have...
A new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday shows the number of abortions in the...
Abortion industry insiders insist that there is a large public interest in expanding distribution of the abortion pill by lifting safety requirements...
Just after Election Day, The Hill printed an op-ed by Dana Singiser, vice president of public policy and government affairs at Planned...
Two out of three states that had pro-life measures on the ballot on Election Day 2018 have now seen those measures successfully...
America is about to vote in one of the most important elections in decades, and a priority for pro-life Americans will be...
The Netflix series Big Mouth recently produced an episode which glorified abortion business Planned Parenthood, touting the organization’s debunked and misleading statistic claiming that abortion...
Wisconsin Senate candidate Leah Vukmir recently drew criticism for her comments about why she is pro-life. But as a nurse, Vukmir believes...
(Life Site News) Designed to kill preborn babies, the two-step Mifegymiso abortion pill (RU-486) has reportedly been prescribed at least 13,000 times...
The abortion movement has long insisted that the preborn baby is not a person worthy of protection and basic human rights, generally...
Following two violent attacks on pro-lifers in Canada, another person has become a victim of violence — solely for expressing pro-life beliefs....
Pro-abortion writer Robin Marty has written a book on the “injustice” of not having enough abortion access, and passes her time doing...
Planned Parenthood has released its plan for 2019, and despite declining clients and health services, the plan reveals the organization’s continued obsession...
One of the biggest claims made by advocates of emergency contraception — also known as the Morning After Pill, Ella, Plan B,...