Federal law prohibits the sale of body parts… but it happens every day in the abortion industry. Thanks to David Daleiden and...
The media is all abuzz over Hillary Clinton’s new book, “What Happened ” — a book certain pundits believe is nothing more than a...
Since 1945, the Lasker Awards have been granted by the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation to recognize “the contributions of scientists, physicians, and public servants...
Aaliyah Hart, the smallest baby born in Britain, was given just a one percent chance of survival when she was born weighing...
The days of abortion advocates calling abortion “rare” and “unfortunate” are clearly over. So are the days of being able to claim,...
Live Action News recently reported on the February 4, 2017, death of Keisha Marie Atkins, from her abortion procedure. She was at least...
If you take Planned Parenthood leaders at their word, then you probably view the organization as a law-abiding non-profit that exists to...
A letter drafted by a group of Democrat Senators which seeks to protect Planned Parenthood has failed to take into account the...
A California abortionist has agreed to surrender his medical license after allegations of over-prescribing opioids and other controlled substances, botching an abortion,...
Planned Parenthood’s former “special affiliate” The Guttmacher Institute has released their latest annual report revealing that they received over one million dollars...
The pro-life movement has come a long way in the past ten years, and these achievements are worth celebrating! While we celebrate,...
Last year, United Kingdom abortion provider Marie Stopes was racked with scandal. The Care Quality Commission made several routine, unannounced inspections of...
Late last month, the Democratic Party announced that pro-life candidates within the party would still receive financial support for the upcoming 2018...
A newly released undercover recording captures a late-term abortion facility staffer telling a “healthy woman posing as 25 weeks pregnant” that they...