(The Radiance Foundation) What would you do if you found out an American business was killing defenseless black lives for profit? What...
For all the wailing pro-aborts did about the New York Times giving a little bit of op-ed space to pro-lifers, cooler heads...
Abortion advocates come up with some pretty creative reasons to support abortion. Pro-abortion men have argued that it makes it easier for...
You may have noticed that the media is aggressively hyping “The Handmaid’s Tale,” a new Hulu TV drama adapted from a 1985...
Instead of women being seen as beings with the amazing power to carry and nurture another human being, pregnancy is construed as...
There’s so much pro-abortion propaganda cluttering the web that try as we might, sometimes something slips through the cracks. But there’s no...
Being in control of one’s own body might possibly be abortion activists’ most frequently used argument for legalizing abortions. It’s as if women are...
(New Wave Feminists) The documentary film After Tiller is a fascinating look at the abortion industry, but it’s also a fascinating piece of propaganda. It...
Pro-lifers on both coasts were greeted by angry abortion rights protesters last Friday. At the March for Life in Washington, D.C., the Walk for Life...
Remember when being a feminist required nothing more than believing in equality between the sexes? Oh, wait — no, feminism over the...
As we approach the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, pro-lifers plan to assemble for the annual March for Life in Washington,...
Today’s battle in pro-aborts’ never-ending struggle against free speech comes from New Orleans, where City Councilwoman Stacy Head is calling for removal...
Bernie Sanders, the socialist Vermont senator running in the Democrat presidential primary, is a walking caricature in many ways, and recently he...
Detroit’s Satanic Temple counter demonstrated at Planned Parenthood on Saturday, against pro-lifers who were exposing the fact that PP harvests and sells baby...