Tax dollars are being sent to locations that house Planned Parenthood abortion facilities under the federal family planning program known as Title...
Luana Stoltenberg, a former Planned Parenthood client, testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. Now a vocal pro-life advocate and post-abortive mother,...
A 2013 story published on CNN’s iReport is a raw look at the pain of a woman, known only as Jojo 106, from...
Mark Gietzen of the Kansas Coalition for Life has reported via Facebook that a woman who had an abortion at Planned Parenthood...
A virtual reality video with a 360-degree camera claims to show the truth about pro-life activists who counsel outside of abortion facilities....
Ohio Senator Peggy Lehner, former president of Ohio Right to Life, shared with the state Senate on June 28, 2017, a story...
Hollywood isn’t known for being pro-life. But that doesn’t mean abortion is being promoted in every movie and television show, much to...
Planned Parenthood and its allies often mislead the public about what defunding the abortion giant would mean. A recent, dramatic example can...
Many former Planned Parenthood workers have come forward saying that, in their experience, Planned Parenthood does not give women who are considering...
As Live Action News recently reported, Missouri’s pro-life Republican governor, Eric Greitens, called a special legislative session last week. In a late-night...
In the book Abortion: A Positive Decision, which I’ve quoted from before, an abortion provider says the following: Abortion is something that we as women...
A new video just released by Live Action emphasizes Planned Parenthood’s lack of services for pregnant women who need resources to continue...
A report on adoption numbers published earlier this year shows that over the past several years, the number of special needs adoptions has nearly...
Oh, this oughta be good. Christine Grimaldi of the pro-abortion propaganda mill Rewire reports that Democrat Senator Patty Murray is very, very...