Most abortion advocates are careful to act as if they’re not really fans of abortion. No one likes abortion, they’ll say. It’s...
Charlotte Dawson, a model and TV star who achieved fame in Australia, tragically committed suicide earlier this month after a long battle...
Abortion advocates like to trot out stories from women whose babies are diagnosed prenatally with life-threatening illnesses as an excuse for why...
Kentucky’s sole abortion clinic is known as one of the worst places in the country to get an abortion. It’s not because...
January is a big month for the pro-life movement, because it is the month in which the anniversary of Roe v. Wade,...
When former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson walked out of the abortion clinic where she made a career, she didn’t just walk...
In a recent episode of Parenthood, Drew (who is now in college at Berkeley) encounters his ex-girlfriend – the one who aborted his child...
Coming back from the March for Life is kind of like coming home after a church retreat. But instead of being on...
In June, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on whether to strike down a Massachusetts law that created a 35-foot zone...
The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion is a survey research center that conducts independent research on public priorities, elections, and a...
An academic study published this month reveals that about 25% of women seeking an abortion had been abused by their partners. The...
2014 is a new year, and a new opportunity for pro-lifers to stand up and take charge in the fight for life...
Eclipse of Reason is a graphic and deeply disturbing documentary put together by the late Dr. Bernard Nathanson, former abortionist-turned-pro-lifer who also...
All states have legal requirements that oblige doctors to file a report of abortions on underage patients. Currently under review in Indiana...