Live Action released a video yesterday (April 28, 2013) which showed a clinic worker from New York telling a pregnant woman who...
In previous articles, Live Action has covered cases where babies born alive after abortions were denied medical care and allowed to die,...
It gets worse and worse.
"Honestly Mom... chances are he won't stay with you."
Making parenting during college a doable endeavor.
Not surprisingly, they're being very cagey about clearing things up.
Human sacrifice.
And that's why they're so loathed by the abortion industry.
Be "perfect," or die.
What every pro-lifer can do to end the scourge of abortion.
A popular publication is horrified to consider that abortion is in fact an act of violence.
It's not choice they're fighting for, and it's not women they care about.
Television approaching the truth for once.
Roe v. Wade - indeed, the entire abortion culture in America - is built on insidious fabrications.