We are winning! And that's not stopping any time soon.
We can end abortion together if our resolve is strong. What better year to start (or continue) than the one coming up?
Doing God's work on wheels.
If you're looking for joy and congratulations on your new baby, best steer clear of Planned Parenthood...and the U.S. government.
Young people are starting to understand what abortion really is.
A great way to get involved.
Moving in the right direction, but there's still a long way to go.
Shedding light on where the Girl Scouts' membership fees go.
It's crucial to be informed.
Not all our desires can come at the expense of others.
Wise words from a brave young woman.
Today I’m pleased to admit that Vice President Biden has done something good for women.
A happy ending to a long fight in Michigan.
Raise your voices! Cry out for life!