Silent No More Awareness, an organization that compiles the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, released a collection of stories from...
“There is a reason why ‘mother,’ ‘baby,’ and ‘abort’ have been changed to ‘a woman’s right to choose’; it’s a marketing ploy...
Silent No More, an organization that compiles the testimonies of post-abortive women, has released a document containing the testimonies of women who...
Silent No More, a group that gathers the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, put out a collection of women’s testimonies...
Amid all the horror of the videos on Planned Parenthood, there is a glimpse of light. Some women walk out. Some women...
Women justify abortion for a variety of reasons, but among the most common reason has to do with how having their child...
The pro-abortion world recently went crazy over a published study that made a rather outstanding claim. According to the study, 95% of...
It’s a shocking viral video and it’s been viewed more than 2.4 million times. You know the video we are talking about....
Popular photoblog Humans of New York recently shared two true stories about people who chose life instead of abortion. Facebook users responded...
A Fox News senior political analyst has responded to the first undercover video from the citizen investigation into Planned Parenthood, led by...
In the video below, Paul, a man from Utica, New York, shares about his years of depression following the abortions of two...
There are perks to being a writer, and they include hearing from people who’ve felt encouraged by something I’ve said. Of course not everyone’s...
In the latest chapter of the never-ending quest to put a happy face on abortion, ThinkProgress’s Tara Culp-Ressler writes that a new...
Speaking of BuzzFeed…you may have noticed that last week, editor-in-chief Ben Smith caused a stir when he declared that the website’s official...