Infants, children and adults with Down syndrome often suffer the effects of social and ethical stigmas. From the moment of a prenatal...
Has something similar like this ever happened to you? Your friend is 19-years-old. Life is fun and everything is going great. You...
In a recent article of mine, I discussed the filth written by an author who goes by “bacon” for the site Return...
I believe being pro-life will give unborn children a chance to grow and mature and fulfill their dreams to their fullest. They...
Women who are considering abortion are at a very vulnerable time in their lives. Many of these women are ambivalent and uncertain,...
Update 1/27/2021: Adam passed away on June 12, 2016, after contracting Adenovirus. “Our little bird met his Maker and Sustainer…the Shepherd of...
In Part 1 of this article titled, “Why I’m Pro-Life: Out of indifference into activism” I share my story of growing up...
We know that “I’m personally pro-life, but can’t make that choice for anyone else” is one of the most cowardly and thoughtless...
Some of the allies most needed in the fight against abortion include doctors and medical professionals (like these 12 nurses from New...
A Christian university has publicly apologized for its response to a pro-life student and make a complete turnaround on its actions, detailing...
Earlier this year, I reported on the Kansas legislature’s attempt to become the third state to pass a fetal heartbeat bill. Ohio...
Whether you’ve stood on a sidewalk outside of abortion clinics, worked on a pro-life campaign, counseled at a pregnancy resource center, or...
America loves Mad Men. Its plots reach back in history, before cell phones and computer screens, to a time when working at an ad...
While on a field trip to the Indiana State Museum with her biology teacher during her freshman year of high school, Alyx...