It's time for a change.
Speak up, and explore your options.
Coming to terms.
Legalizing murder, and where that tends to go.
Not rare. Not safe. Why legal?
Intelligent and thoughtful teens are getting a bit tired of the nonstop push by the free love generation that makes women into...
Facepalms upon facepalms.
"The minute we laid eyes on this child, we didn’t once equate him to the rapist. He’s just as much a victim."
If the nation can recognize the ugliness of rape culture in Steubenville, then surely it is time for it to recognize the...
Meanwhile, many like him are tossed onto the garbage heap without a second thought.
Destroying children and destroying families.
"It’s not the woman herself who wants the abortion. It’s usually her family or her friends."
If I could do time in prison for the murder I committed, I would.