Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt of an opinion commentary that first appeared in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. (Sun-Sentinel) It rarely...
In Florida, the Diocese of St. Augustine recently dedicated a new mausoleum for babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, and abortion. This...
(Right to Life UK) Results of a Scottish Parliament consultation on Gillian Mackay MSP’s buffer zone Bill show that 77% of respondents to...
(Percuity) In the last five years across England and Wales, at least 39,000 women have been treated at NHS hospitals for complications...
A woman from Honduras has filed a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee saying the country’s laws prevented her from getting ...
The Netherlands continues to see an uptick in euthanasia deaths, as it has expanded its availability to virtually any citizen who requests...
Nearly 70% of Planned Parenthood abortions are now committed using deadly chemical abortion pills, according to a recent statement from the abortion...
Live Action News Update 4/9/2024: According to Alliance Defending Freedom, a federal district court issued an order on Monday allowing Chelsea Mynyk, a licensed...
Nothing went as Kristin Hernandez and her husband Chris had imagined when trying to conceive. About a year after they were married...
Women are presenting to emergency rooms after taking abortion pills, and the pro-abortion media seems perfectly willing to paint it as no...
When doctors tell parents their baby has — or is likely to have — a Trisomy condition, it’s a difficult and life-changing...
The Tennessee House Education Instruction Committee approved a bill on Tuesday that would require that public schools include an approved preborn child...
French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday that, though his country recently codified abortion as a constitutional right, he is now pushing for...
The irony wasn’t lost on the advocates of preborn children with disabilities. At Thursday’s State of the Union address, Kate Cox, the...