Today, Becky Martin is a pro-life advocate, but as a pro-choice pregnant high school senior, she scheduled an appointment to undergo an...
In a book that collects the stories of women and men who have experienced abortion and its traumatic after-effects, a woman named...
(National Review) On Monday, I wrote about Joe Biden’s decision to tap Xavier Becerra, an unqualified abortion enthusiast, as his secretary of...
In a two-part Facebook post for Humans of New York, a woman shared her story of teenage pregnancy and open adoption, and...
The Hyde Amendment, a pro-life rider that prevents federal taxpayer dollars from funding most abortions, is in the crosshairs of the abortion lobby. Ironically, the...
On December 5th in Wellington, New Zealand, over 1,000 pro-life participants marched from Civic Square to Parliament, many of them carrying signs...
In October of 2006, Theo Purington III learned that his girlfriend, the woman he thought he was going to marry, was pregnant....
Surrendering the Secret (STS), an international post-abortion recovery outreach that has successfully facilitated abortion healing for thousands of women since its inception...
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the author and are not necessarily reflective of Live Action...
(Pregnancy Help News) Another mom who’s prevailed after facing unplanned pregnancy is benefitting from the scholarship inspired by a movie bearing a...
In the book, “Shout Your Abortion Too,” a woman named Katie shared her story of coerced abortion and abortion trauma at the...
In a book of stories of men and women hurt by abortion, Robin Buckner describes being pressured into an abortion by her...
In a book that reaches out to people hurt by abortion, a woman named Alex told her story of how she was...
Cheryle had been dating her boyfriend for a year when she became pregnant. However, her boyfriend’s parents were furious about the pregnancy...