In a recent feature shared to the Save the Storks Facebook page, an unnamed woman told of instantly regretting her decision to take...
A baby doctors said only had a 5% chance of survival is now a healthy, happy four-year-old boy. Max Staines was born...
More of Argentina’s neighbors in South America are condemning the government’s decision to legalize abortion, in opposition to the desires of the...
Pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) are among the biggest threat to the abortion industry. Rather than reinforcing the notion that an unplanned pregnancy...
UPDATE, 1/4/21: The Facebook page dedicated to the couple announced that Tommy Pilling passed away. He was 62 years old. The post...
In 2003, 15-year-old Lila Rose launched Live Action with the goal of ending abortion and building a culture of life. Today, Live...
Fathers have a vital role to play in the lives of their children, but all too often, fathers choose to walk away...
Lori Ann Kelly worked at the University of Pittsburgh, overseeing projects to collect aborted baby body parts for research. Kelly told her...
Earlier this year, Leah Messer of the “16 and Pregnant” reality TV show spin-off “Teen Mom 2” released her memoir, “Hope, Grace,...
Today, Becky Martin is a pro-life advocate, but as a pro-choice pregnant high school senior, she scheduled an appointment to undergo an...
In a book that collects the stories of women and men who have experienced abortion and its traumatic after-effects, a woman named...
(National Review) On Monday, I wrote about Joe Biden’s decision to tap Xavier Becerra, an unqualified abortion enthusiast, as his secretary of...
In a two-part Facebook post for Humans of New York, a woman shared her story of teenage pregnancy and open adoption, and...
The Hyde Amendment, a pro-life rider that prevents federal taxpayer dollars from funding most abortions, is in the crosshairs of the abortion lobby. Ironically, the...