A collection of stories from women who have experienced abortion called “Empty Arms: More Than 60 Life-Giving Stories of Hope from the...
Abortion advocates call abortion “reproductive freedom” but instead of finding freedom, women who experience abortion can find themselves weighed down by mental...
An abortion business in New York City is lying to women about their pregnancies, the development of their babies, and abortion in...
(LifeSiteNews) – At least one prosecutor in Tennessee is refusing to enforce the state’s duly-enacted law requiring that women seeking abortion pills...
On September 28, abortion advocates marked what they call “International Safe Abortion Day.” But they were celebrating something that doesn’t exist and...
A woman who took the abortion pill at her boyfriend’s insistence and now regrets it told her story on the website AbortionChangesYou.com. She...
Fifteen and pregnant, Marlys Monet kept the news to herself for seven months until she came home to find her parents waiting...
Abortion was sold to the American public as a final step in achieving equality for women. But nearly five decades later, legalized...
Recently, more secular, mainstream authors and websites are addressing the downsides of hormonal contraceptives. Notably, many of these pieces first launch into...
Our current culture embraces assisted suicide as the appropriate response when someone is no longer considered “useful” to society. But usefulness, it...
NARAL Pro-Choice America recently released a report claiming that the mainstream media’s coverage of abortion-related topics is… wait for it… too pro-life. Media...
The Population Council is the latest abortion rights organization to be publicly accused by a former staffer of racism. In a Twitter thread,...
A new film premiering on HBO Max aims to make a joke out of abortion, and in doing so, downplays and mocks...
Abortion advocates have departed from the mantra of “safe, legal, and rare” and have embraced celebrating abortion with the hashtag #shoutyourabortion, calling...