Shortly after one 17-year-old girl took the abortion pill, she shared her abortion story on the page, where she described being...
Vice President Mike Pence became the first VP to ever visit a pro-life pregnancy center when he stopped by A Woman’s Place...
Popular Christian author and speaker Stephen Arterburn says his past addiction to pornography led him to dehumanize women and, by extension, preborn children....
A woman who told her story on the website was married with two children when she and her husband agreed not...
A woman who took the abortion pill told her story on the website She was in an abusive relationship when she...
Kanye West shocked the world on July 19, 2020, when he announced during a campaign rally that he had originally wanted to...
As a 19-year-old college freshman, Rebekah was already a single mother to a 10-month-old son when she learned she was pregnant for...
Emily’s story of her experience with abortion pills was traumatizing, but her experience with abortion pill reversal gave her life new meaning...
At 21 years old and a junior in college, Andrea learned she was pregnant and made the immediate decision to have an...
According to former workers, Planned Parenthood has journals in the recovery room for women to write in after their abortions. Three former...
Live Action founder and president Lila Rose exposed the truth about the dangers of the abortion pill in a Facebook Live video...
Pro-abortion author Carole Joffe spent time observing the workings at an abortion facility and interviewed abortion industry workers. She wrote of the training...
Two weeks after announcing his late decision to enter the 2020 presidential race, rap mogul Kanye West held his first campaign event...
(Pregnancy Help News) An OB-GYN who has delivered almost 4,000 babies and to date been successful six out of six times in reversing...