The Population Council, the eugenics organization credited with bringing the abortion pill (RU-486) to the United States, turns 65 this month —...
A common pro-choice argument is that abortion is acceptable because a fetus/preborn baby is merely “potential life,” not a person. Therefore, killing...
Last month, a young woman gave birth prematurely to a 20-week-old infant at Medway Maritime Hospital in England. What makes the story...
A 17-year-old girl, a refugee from Mexico, is seeking an abortion in Texas. The U.S. government has stated that it cannot take...
Teen Vogue, a magazine which takes a clearly pro-abortion stance and markets itself to young women, recently published another abortion-favorable article, meant to...
Australian mom Sarah Maroun doesn’t listen to anyone who tells her that her son doesn’t deserve to live, and unfortunately, that’s a...
Pro-choice film director Punam Kumar Gill, creator of “Hush: the Documentary,” has taken on the idea of an abortion-breast cancer link, discovering...
Tracey Kirby was shocked and excited when she learned she was pregnant with three boys – one singleton and a set of...
Congressman Tim Murphy recently announced his resignation from Congress amid news of an extramarital affair, along with allegations that he asked his...
Miriam Grace Mahner, born on August 22, 2017, lived outside the womb for 46 minutes. In that short time, she met countless friends...
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and...
On Thursday, Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner signed HB 40 into law. This means that Illinois taxpayers will be required to fund...
An anonymous Planned Parenthood worker called in to a Christian radio show asking if God could ever forgive her for working in...
The pro-abortion lobby claims to be “pro-choice” — but a big part of choice (especially when experiencing an unplanned pregnancy) is having...