When Leilani found out she was pregnant, she cried out of fear. She was addicted to drugs, was homeless, and had already...
Rhonda and Richard White authored a pro-life book called “Confronting Abortion Distortions.” One of the authors, Rhonda White, was originally pro-choice. In the...
(Save the Storks) I was following my dream. I had worked hard, and my goal of becoming an occupational therapist was within...
Brandi Rogers and her husband Michael learned during a 20-week ultrasound that their daughter Emersyn has anencephaly. Her brain and skull didn’t...
For all the wailing pro-aborts did about the New York Times giving a little bit of op-ed space to pro-lifers, cooler heads...
Kathleen Meikle, editor of the book A River of Tears, which collected the stories of women who had abortions, wrote the following about...
Rebekah Buell got pregnant and gave birth to her son Elias when she was a 17-year-old high school student. After leaving an...
Maddi Runkles is certainly making news, and unfortunately in ways which doesn’t present the Christian pro-life community in the best — or...
As Planned Parenthood faces the very real threat of being defunded, the abortion chain has become more and more desperate. While abortion...
Jezebel’s Stassa Edwards is very, very unhappy with The New York Times. You see, it’s not enough that the paper has a...
(Pregnancy Help News) While his upcoming appearance at a kickball tournament isn’t likely to help Philadelphia Eagles free safety Chris Maragos get...
Mother’s Day from now on will forever be different for me than it was in the past. New motherhood gives me a different...
(Save the Storks) — This piece was written by Jenny A. Farrell, a nurse on one of our mobile medical units and...
On April 20th, groups representing both sides of the abortion debate discussed the issue at Southern Methodist University. The event, hosted by the...