In late October, the case of an illegal immigrant teen in government custody seeking an abortion came to a close when the...
It wasn’t that long ago that assisted suicide was seen as a horrific crime; in the 1990s, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was given...
(LifeSiteNews) A new undercover video shows the staff of one of the country’s most notorious late-term abortion facilities offering to abort a...
Last month, a young woman gave birth prematurely to a 20-week-old infant at Medway Maritime Hospital in England. What makes the story...
It’s the first time for the United States, and it might allow babies their first breaths. The Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017,...
In a recent W Magazine interview, former Planned Parenthood president Faye Wattleton spoke about the founding of Planned Parenthood, about her own...
Parents in Kenya are outraged after discovering that Marie Stopes International visited a school and gave the young, underage girls there long-term...
A missing comma, an abortionist moonlighting as a professor, and a public university that does research on aborted babies are all relevant...
As new revelations continue to emerge from the Harvey Weinstein scandal, celebrities are starting to speak up about their own experiences with...
As a rising number of women experience breast cancer, how many are told that early childbirth is a preventive measure for the...
When pro-choice film director Punam Kumar Gill looked into the adverse effects of abortion, she discovered several interesting facts in studies that...
Pro-choice film director Punam Kumar Gill, creator of “Hush: the Documentary,” has taken on the idea of an abortion-breast cancer link, discovering...
Experts interviewed in the controversial film, “Hush: the Documentary,” which investigates the effects of abortion on women, claim that women aren’t being...
Comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory died August 19, 2017, and although he is best known for his humor, the satirist...