Everything about Emily Letts’s abortion destigmatization video is incredibly creepy, but by far the creepiest aspects are this quote: I don’t feel...
Live Action was contacted by Makenzie Street, who wanted to share the story of how she became pregnant at 22-years-old with a...
A Louisiana bill was passed this week to require abortionists to inform their patients of the psychological effects of abortion. Women seeking...
The ABC Women’s Center celebrated its 24th annual banquet this month. For over two decades, the pregnancy resource center has provided exceptional...
So we’re burning babies to keep the lights on. No, that’s not a metaphor or a figure of speech–it’s a statement of...
If you scroll to the bottom of my articles, you’ll find an e-mail address next to my picture. Occasionally, I get messages...
Remember that catchy pro-abortion slogan, safe, legal, and rare? Pro-abortion activists used to chant it all the time, including former President Bill...
As I’ve said before, college was an interesting time for me. Something as mundane as a birthday party could take on a whole...
Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry as a whole go to great lengths to prove to Americans that abortion is safe. But...
“My body, my choice” is a tired mantra we hear from the pro-abortion community. The argument attending this soundbite is that because...
In a recent National Public Radio broadcast and accompanying article entitled “Morning-After Pills Don’t Cause Abortion, Studies Say,” NPR journalist Julie Rovner reported that...
As the “Hobby Lobby case” (aka Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. v. Sebelius) is underway at the Supreme Court in our nation’s capital, this...
A recent incident at the University of California, Santa Barbara made nationwide waves. Thrin Short, a 16-year-old pro-life high school student, was...
Jewels Green is a former clinic worker who became pro-life. On her website, which can be found here, she describes herself as...