To the other 9,999 who expressed interest in adopting Davion Navar Henry Only, the 15-year-old orphan who went to church to plead...
Today, October 13, 2013 is my 32nd birthday. I’m not the type to keep quiet about birthdays. In the past, I’ve had...
While abortion is expanding in California, it seems that Catholics are taking their stand. Perched in the middle of the ObamaCare controversy...
In 2008, Amy Ford received a vision that changed her life. Amy was enjoying a women’s conference at her church, Gateway, in...
Mother Jones: “Nebraska Court Decides 16-Year-Old Is Too Immature for an Abortion, But Motherhood’s Okay” Slate: “Nebraska Court Rules Teen Too Immature...
Pro-Choice groups and organizations such as Planned Parenthood maintain that abortion is beneficial to women. They claim that women do not have...
The Supreme Court will hear a case this session that challenges the Massachusetts law that established a 35ft buffer zone around abortion...
1) Restricting Abortion Does Not Protect Women Vicki Cowart, Planned Parenthood New Mexico CEO: Efforts like this [fetal pain bill in New...
Houston, late ’90s. Veronica Arnold, Dorothy Richardson, and Theresa Camara were busy home-schooled kids who spent their time running around the city...
It’s dropped on a daily basis: Abortion should not be legal except in cases where the life of the mother is threatened...
1) Even though the fetus is “alive,” it has yet to “live.” In response to this pro-life graphic, a pro-choicer wrote: [I]t...
1) It’s not about choice; it’s about abortion. I mean, really, what “choice” are we talking about here? The “choice” to what?...
A recent interview with late-term abortionist Dr. Susan Robinson in The Hairpin casts some light on the controversial practice of third-trimester abortion. Even many...
A recent Jezebel article titled “I Help Desperate Women and I could go to Jail for It” tells the story of an...