Men, you have a right – indeed, a responsibility – to defend the weakest among us.
Examining a series of ridiculous arguments against personhood for the unborn.
"No little boy or girl dreams about being an abortion clinic worker when they grow up."
This sort of thinking is not unique to a town in India.
Women can do (and have done) better than hanging their dreams on the subsidies of others.
It's not easy, but it can be done.
A survey of some of the pro-life initiatives currently galvanizing the movement.
Schindler's many sacrifices should put things in perspective for the present-day pro-life movement (and for everyone else).
And they're not for the better.
Kate Spicer's story illustrates how many women come to regret their choice of abortion once they see the full picture, years later.
If you write for the health section of a prominent website, shouldn’t you have a working knowledge of basic human biology? Apparently...
This week on the popular Dr. Phil Show, a mother named Annette Corriveau was featured. She's special because she wants the right...
Yes is a simple word. It’s a word we use to address a plethora of questions. Who can remember every “yes” told...
Spring days in Texas can be hot. Thirty-nine brave women are taking on the heat by walking 270 miles, from Houston to...