Michelle (not her real name) had lived a life full of pain. Her father had shot and killed himself right before her...
A Japanese woman has become the first person to receive stem cells created from her own skin cells. Called induced pluripotent stem...
Cystic fibrosis (CF) has been in the news a lot lately, mostly because of a little girl named Sarah and her mom...
The media doesn’t often share with us the stories of women who live in regret and depression every day because of abortion....
Mainstream media and the anti-life movement cried foul when conscientious business owners refused to comply with the Obama administration’s HHS mandate, which...
Police in Utah recently made a discovery in a Pleasant Grove home they’ll likely never forget. It appears that, over the course...
39-year-old Megan Huntsman from Utah was arrested after police found the remains of 7 dead babies in her former garage. Huntsman released...
A 22-year-old woman died last week after an abortion at the Preterm abortion mill in Cleveland. Lakisha Wilson went to Preterm for...
Last month, Elizabeth Joice, a strong woman, beautiful wife, and courageous mother, died after a roller coaster ride with cancer, leaving behind her...
Humans of New York is a popular photoblog and a bestselling book which features photos and interviews of the people on the...
In 2006, Destiny Image Publishers published a book by author Cheryl Chew called Make Me Your Choice. This powerful pro-life book tells...
Twenty-nine-year-old Mandy Dobbelmann is a Minnesota native who lives in Los Angeles, CA. Mandy is a singer/songwriter, music teacher, blogger, and justice-fighter...
The Sundance Film Festival might very well have a new darling for Hollywood’s crowd of pro-aborts to crow about. Obvious Child is...
My pro-life website has quotes from abortionists and pictures of aborted babies. On the pages with the pictures of aborted babies, I have...