Women’s rights clearly include their right to health and to make fully informed decisions regarding their bodies. Does a woman’s right to...
One of the main arguments given for legalizing abortion in Ireland is that troubled women would become suicidal if they were forced...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JULY 15, 2013 MEDIA CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG “Pickaxe,” “Drill Bit” Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Sends Another Woman to the ER Exposed...
Not exactly a respectable profession.
"If the doctor had recommended counseling, or if I had spoken to my parents, I am almost sure that I would have...
A story to rock us to our cores.
Who's dangerous again?
The most ridiculous argument you can make.
If born people are equal to each other, why aren’t unborn people equal at least to one another?
My little girl brought meaning into my life the likes of which I never could have imagined.
From "Abort Perry" to "Gays for Vajays," this was definitely several steps removed from the discourse at your standard March for Life.
During Women’s History Month I am proud to be a woman, just like I am every month. I am most of all...
Planned Parenthood likes to claim in pretty much everything they say that they are “for women”. Apparently just about everything they do...
According to LifeSiteNews: In February, local pro-life advocate Chris Veneklase confirmed suspicions that the Womans Choice abortion clinic in Delta Township was...