Human Interest

Second infant in weeks rescued at Alabama Safe Haven Baby Box

baby boxes, Safe Haven Baby Boxes, New Mexico, baby box

An infant was surrendered in a Safe Haven Baby Box in Madison, Alabama, last week, marking the second surrender at this box since it was installed in January 2024.

According to WIFR, the first infant was placed in the box, located at Madison Fire Station 1, on January 22, just 12 days after it was installed. The most recent surrender happened on February 21.

The Safe Haven Baby Box organization installs the boxes in hospitals and fire stations so that any parent who feels unable to care for their child can safely and anonymously surrender their baby according to their state’s Safe Haven Law. In Alabama, these surrenders can be done up to 45 days after birth. The safe haven boxes are climate controlled and silently alarmed; once a child is placed inside, medical personnel respond to care for the baby within minutes.

An organization called Kids to Love was behind a bill that cleared the Alabama legislature last year, allowing for the installation of the Safe Haven Baby Boxes.

“We knew there was a need for these boxes in Alabama,” said Kids to Love Founder and CEO Lee Marshall. “This mother made a difficult and courageous decision when she placed her child in Madison’s Safe Haven Baby Box. We are thankful it was there for her when she needed it.”

Safe Haven Baby Box organization founder Monica Kelsey took to social media to thank the parent who made the latest surrender.

“To the parent who surrendered their baby this week in the Madison, Alabama, baby box, thank you. Thank you for keeping your child safe. Thank you for entrusting the Madison fire department to take it from here. Your baby was picked up in a matter of minutes. Your baby is safe. Your baby is healthy. Your baby was legally surrendered.”

She ended by reminding the parent that there are resources available to them, including free counseling. That information was available in an orange bag for the parent to take as they surrendered their child.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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