Live Action News has shared many stories of multiples pregnancies in which parents were pressured to have selective reduction — in other words, kill — one or more of their children. The usual reason for this is that multiples pregnancies are considered “high risk.”
However, “out of sight,” as they say, is often “out of mind.” Until the public sees abortion, the public will continue to approve of — or at the very least, tolerate — abortion. Selective reduction is no different. And six years ago in Australia, the public had a chance to see selective reduction in action on an ultrasound screen, thanks to a 60 Minutes program that aired in May of 2012. This is still relevant, even six years later, as selective reduction happens frequently… much more often than we’d like to think.
READ: Family welcomes sextuplets after refusing selective reduction abortion
Many people who saw the original televised program on selective reduction were horrified, as a needle is shown entering the womb and then going into the heart of a preborn baby. One woman admits that she didn’t want to have three babies at once because it would have disrupted her New York lifestyle, saying that perhaps her decision to selectively reduce was “a little” selfish. Another woman in the video cavalierly says she has “no regrets” about choosing selective reduction, because she believes she merely continued her “pregnancy” as a singleton pregnancy instead of as a “litter,” and merely got rid of two “potential” lives — or “tissue,” as she called her deceased children.
The doctor seen in the video expressed the same belief about “potential” life in the womb — even though he is well aware it is his needle that stops the beating hearts of very real human beings “every week,” as he says.
Another woman in the video, who chose to give birth to all of her triplets (all of whom are healthy today) has a gut-wrenching reaction when the host describes how selective reduction is done. (Warning: Video may be disturbing to some.)
The denial among those who find this practice acceptable seems very strong in the video, with the doctor even insisting that selective reduction isn’t like abortion because an abortion ends a pregnancy — while selective reduction, he shockingly claims, “saves” a pregnancy.
This is not in any way valuing human beings’ lives. It is treating them as a commodity… a product to be “returned” if things don’t go according to plan. Words really can’t adequately describe how disturbing it is to witness the justification for killing defenseless human beings in the womb taking place within the fertility industry.