
Self awards: Abortion industry honors abortion industry

Embryotomy Scissors abortion

The abortion industry continues to honor itself through the glamorization of death. RH Reality Check reports on the Abortion Care Network (ACN) honoring “outstanding individuals and organizations whose support and care for women in the abortion experience is exemplary.”

And apparently “exemplary” means lots of killing. The David Gunn Lifetime Achievement award, named in honor of the first abortionist killed in the United States, was presented to Amy Hagstrom Miller. Miller is infamous for founding Whole Woman’s Health, the largest independent abortion chain in Texas.

Miller and Whole Woman’s Health have been making headlines recently. Since Texas’ new abortion regulations requiring abortionists have admitting privileges at local hospitals in case a surgical complication arises, clinics in the Lone Star State have had to close for not meeting this safety requirement, and Miller’s were among them. The New York Times reported last week on Miller’s response to the south Texas clinic closures, allegedly hurting poor women in rural areas:

“‘I felt like I was having a funeral,’ said Amy Hagstrom Miller, the chief executive of Whole Woman’s Health, which ran the clinics. She and her staff and supporters held a vigil at the shuttered office in McAllen, a very poor town in the Rio Grande Valley. They read profiles of the women the clinic had served. Miller read one of a woman in her 40s, who had three children, two grandchildren and a strong conviction that she could not handle another birth.”

In fact, what actually happened was that many funerals were stopped because her clinics could no longer kill babies—and possibly mothers if something did go wrong in surgery.

However, the ACN finds efforts to continue killing the unborn something worthy of honor, which makes sense considering it exists to keep killing alive. RH Reality Check says:

“The Abortion Care Network is a group of independent abortion providers, as well as organizations and individuals who support those seeking abortion care, that aims to create ‘public and private opportunities to challenge the stigma surrounding abortion.’”

In fact, RH Reality Check has its own interest in this awards ceremony as its own President and Editor in Chief, Jodi Jacobson, received the Person of the Year award.

Presumably, all the award recipients reflect the ACN values, which it says are “Respect, Connection and Zest.” Zest is defined this way:

“Zest: We focus on the positives of the abortion experience.  Our zest drives us to encourage innovation and empowerment among our members and allies.  We believe in moving the movement forward. Zest is what makes us want to do more and be more for our patients.  It is the root of our passion and dedication.”

Most abortion advocates say abortion is something that is “sad but necessary,” and other such language that pretends to imply they want abortion reduced, but this group eschews such rhetoric and hones in on the realty of its beliefs—abortion is positive and that “zest” makes them want the killing to continue.

Self praise is nothing new in the abortion industry, but the true values these honors represent is their own satisfaction, not the women in crisis who need actual help. True values would have “zest” for the women in need, not for the “positives of the abortion experience.” This award ceremony looks more like a hall of shame to shun than an honor fit to display.

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