
Sen. Booker, how can you call hunting bears ‘inhumane’ but support doing this to preborn children?

Cory booker, women, campaign, photo via flickr all creative commons

Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey, is a supporter of both Planned Parenthood and abortion. In fact, Planned Parenthood threw its support his way during his campaign. While he has said he doesn’t support late-term abortion, a leaked memo he sent to Planned Parenthood said otherwise. Furthermore, he has opposed safety restrictions on abortion and has supported taxpayer funding of abortion. But while Booker supports the brutal and cruel killing of human life inside the womb, he opposes the hunting of wild animals, going as far as to call it “inhumane.”

In a video where he speaks out against H.J. Res. 69, Booker states that the bill, which would reverse a rule adopted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service where restrictions were placed on certain legal types of hunting on the National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska, is “cruel.” The bill was passed in the House and will move on to the Senate.

“What’s being forced to the floor is a bill to allow, in Alaska refuges, some of the most cruel and inhumane savage killing of animals. This is inhuman. This is inhumane. This is wrong,” said Booker.

The problem is that whether Sen. Booker favors the restrictions of certain types of hunting or opposes them, calling the killing of animals inhumane, inhuman, and cruel while supporting abortion – especially late-term abortion – proves that he uses zero common sense or rational thinking when it comes to abortion. Below is a video describing the brutal killing of preborn children near and at the age of viability. This procedure (known as D&E or dilation and evacuation abortion) is the most common abortion procedure committed in the second trimester in the U.S.


In the leaked memo to Planned Parenthood, Booker wrote:

I oppose the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Supreme Court’s dramatic break from precedent in upholding it.

What does this mean? It means that Booker told Planned Parenthood, a group that supported his campaign, that he supports partial-birth abortion, a procedure in which a child is delivered in the breech position until just the head remains inside the mother. Then the abortionist stabs the child in the back of the neck and uses suctioning to remove the child’s brain to kill him before completing the delivery of a now dead baby. In short, Booker feels that this procedure is acceptable and should have been upheld by the Supreme Court.

Partial-birth abortion.

Partial-birth abortion is illegal federally but still technically legal in some states. Apparently, it is a completely humane procedure in Booker’s opinion. Shooting bears and other natural predators, however, is inhumane in his mind. Perhaps it’s because Planned Parenthood has donated to Booker, and if it loses government funding, he’s afraid he could lose some of his own funding?

What is clear is that Booker recognizes value in the lives of animals but not value in the lives of human beings – not even ones who could live on their own if they were delivered instead of aborted. He is willing to fight to save animals’ lives but is more than willing to sit back while preborn children are violently killed.

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